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Too many mainstream media outlets portray migrants in one of two ways. Either by implying that jobs are being stolen by the migrant community or that the migrant’s presence is only an enforced one. This project set out to challenge these stereotype representations and work to create a community where everyone can share their unique stories and experiences. By sensitively photographing migrants and allowing their stories to be told, we created a series of images that convey the experiences of migration. Each member of our team photographed each individual in their own unique style in order to provide a visual representation of this one-of-a-kind life experience.

We faced difficulties, but as a team we were able to overcome them, and in my opinion we performed admirably in organizing a campaign and running it. Although I did assign myself this duty, I believe that it was one of the hardest because they were subjects I already understood a little bit about. Even though it was still a significant learning experience, it gave me the courage to network and market myself more. I am quite proud of my group and myself for being able to develop this campaign, carry it out to completion, and post it. It unfortunately won’t be up by the end of this project but this feels like the right step to take and continue this project further outside of university. We are putting our campaign out there and placing our mark on Plymouth.